RECORD: "New York, New York" by Roger Williams CHOREO: Kelli McChesney Easy Level Exhibition Routine This routine can be done with any number of dancers (illustrations are with eight dancers for simplicity). They are split into two groups (initially ROWs 1 and 2) and later combine into one group. Props needed: (1) cane and (1) top hat per dancerREFERENCE INFORMATION ============================================================================FORMATIONS Formation 1 * * * * (ROW 2) (back) * * * * (ROW 1) (front) (NOTE: When referring to the ROWs, initially ROW 1 is the "front" row, but later will become the "back" row, and vice versa for ROW 2.) Formation 2 * * (back) * * * * * * (front) Formation 3 (Beats) (Formation) 1-2 * * (Group 4) (back) * * (Group 3) * * (Group 2) * * (Group 1) (front) 3-4 * * (back) * * * * * * (front) 5-6 * * (back) * * * * * * (front) 7-8 * * * * * * * * (one line) ============================================================================POSITIONS Position 1 Right hand is on right hip, left hand holds cane with cane resting on left shoulder. Position 2 Cane is horizontal in front of dancer, left hand on left end, right hand on right end of cane. ============================================================================STEPS GRAPEVINE TOUCH -- STEP(OTS) STEP(IB) STEP(OTS) TCH L R L R STEP TOUCH -- STEP(OTS) TCH L R BASIC -- DS RS L RL TRIPLE -- DS DS DS RS L R L RL ROCKING CHAIR -- DS BR(UP) DS RS L R R LR CLOGOVER VINE -- DS DS(IF) DS DS(IB) DS DS(IF) DS RS L R L R L R L RL STEP KICK -- STEP(IF) KICK(OTS) L R BASKETBALL -- STEP(FWD) PIVOT(1/2 right) STEP L BOTH R 1 & 2 CHORUS LINE KICKS -- KNEE(UP) TCH KICK(IF) STEP L L L L 1 2 3 4 BASKETBALL POINT -- On beat 1, point cane forward; then bring to Position 2 when facing back. ============================================================================
THE DANCE ============================================================================
INTRO: (32 BEATS) (Everyone faces the back in Formation 1. Left toe is pointed in front, heads are down. Canes are vertical in front of the dancer (one end touching the floor, the other end held by the left hand), top hat is held by the right hand over the left hand.) Wait 14 beats, on beats 15-16 put on top hat and return right hand to top of cane. Wait 10 beats, on beats 11-12 turn 1/2 right on the balls of the feet (ROW 1 is in Position 1; ROW 2 is in Position 2). Hold beats 13-16. ============================================================================
PART A*: (32 BEATS) (this part done with Position 2) (6) GRAPEVINE TOUCHES -- (lean left when moving left, right when moving right, and tilt cane accordingly) (4) STEP TOUCHES -- (turn 1/4 left on each) ============================================================================
PART A1: (32 BEATS) (ROW 1 does A1, ROW 2 does A*) (4) BASICS -- (in Position 1) (2) TRIPLES (4) ROCKING CHAIRS -- (turn 1/4 left on each) ============================================================================
PART A2: (32 BEATS) (ROW 1 does A2, ROW 2 does A*) (4) BASICS -- (in Position 1) (2) TRIPLES (2) CLOGOVER VINES -- (end in Position 2) ============================================================================
PART B1: (32 BEATS) (ROWS 1 and 2) (8) STEP KICKS -- (on each kick, turn head to look in the direction of the kick) (Trade lines -- ROW 1 moves backward and ROW 2 moves forward to pass through the "windows") (1) TRIPLE -- (turn 360° left) (2) BASICS (1) TRIPLE -- (turn 360° right) (2) BASICS -- (ROW 2: end in Position 1) ============================================================================
PART A3: (32 BEATS) REPEAT PART A1 (ROW 2 does A3, ROW 1 does A*) ============================================================================
PART B2: (32 BEATS) (ROWS 1 and 2) (8) STEP KICKS -- (as in B1, but do (4) forward then (4) backwards and do not trade lines) (1) TRIPLE -- (turn 360° left) (2) BASICS (1) TRIPLE -- (turn 360° right) (2) BASICS -- (stay in Position 2) ============================================================================
PART C1: (8 BEATS) (ROWS 1 and 2) (2) BASKETBALLS -- (turn 1/2 right on each in Position 2) (4) SWAYS -- (lean left, right, left, right) ============================================================================
PART A4: (32 BEATS) REPEAT PART A2 (ROWS 1 and 2) ============================================================================
PART D1: (32 BEATS) (ROWS 1 and 2) (4) GRAPEVINE KICKS -- (raise cane above your head on each kick) (8) BASICS -- (Combine to one line -- ROW 2 moves backwards, ROW 1 moves forward; join canes on last two BASICS) ============================================================================
PART B3: (32 BEATS) REPEAT PART B2 -- (Canes are joined on the STEP KICKS, released on the first TRIPLE, then joined again on the last two BASICS.) ============================================================================
PART C2: (6 BEATS) (6) SWAYS -- (lean left, right, left, right, left, right, still in Position 2 with canes joined) ============================================================================
PART D2: (64 BEATS) (4) CHORUS LINE KICKS -- (canes still joined) (8) BASICS -- (in Position 1, everyone moves backwards to Formation 2) (2) CLOGOVER VINES (1) BASKETBALL POINT PEEL -- (with four groups, execute Formation 3) (Group 1: BASKETBALL POINT, (6) MARCHES (fwd), Group 2: (2) MARCHES, BASKETBALL POINT, (4) MARCHES (fwd), Group 3: (4) MARCHES, BASKETBALL POINT, (2) MARCHES (fwd), Group 4: (6) MARCHES, BASKETBALL POINT.) (4) MARCHES -- (forward) (1) BASKETBALL -- (turn 1/2 right to face front) (2) MARCHES ============================================================================
EXTRA: (8 BEATS) (4) STEP TOUCHES -- (turn 1/4 left on each) ============================================================================
ENDING: (1 BEAT) Point left toe in front (slightly turn to the right), cane similar to Intro, wave top hat with right hand above head at 45° angle) ============================================================================
SEQUENCE: INTRO, A1, A2, B1, A3, B2, C1, A4, D1, B3, C2, D2, EXTRA, B2, ENDING. ============================================================================
I know all of this may look confusing as there are a lot of cane positions and formations to remember, but with a little practice it is manageable. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Hope you enjoy the routine! ============================================================================
Kelli McChesney E-MAIL: danceaddict (at) windstream.net http://www.afn.org/~kelli/ Choreography © 1997
This page was created by Kelli McChesney on 12/30/1999
© 1997-2002 Kelli McChesney